Clarifier Wing Reconstruction and Relining
- Customer: Exelon – Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station
- Location: Oswego, NY
- System: Heavy weight Carbon fiber composite repair with a chemical resistant epoxy liner.
- Surface Preparation: Grit Blasted to an SSPC SP-10 with a 3 mil + angular profile
- Substrate: Steel and concrete
- Date of Application: 5 – 2015
- Project Summary: The agitation wing inside a clarifier tank at Exelon Enegry’s Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station was so badly corroded that 15-20% of the surface of this wing was simply gone. Plant personel initially planned to completely replace the agitation section of the clarifier. Advanced FRP Systems introduced plant personel to the concept of rebuilding the partially missing clarifier wing with a corrosion resistant carbon fiber composite section. After looking into the financial implications of rebuilding versus replacing, the plant was more than willing to procede with the proposed composite repair. The failed coating system on the entire agitation section of the clarifier had to be removed prior to repairing and intalling a new protective coating. The surface was then prepared for coating through grit blasting to an SSPC SP-10 Near White Metal blast. A heavy duty, 19.5 oz, Bi- directional carbon fiber was chosen for its exceptional strength and stiffness. The final composite had to take the place of more than ¼ Inch of steel! Advanced FRP’s high strength epoxy tack coat, FRP Putty 100, was applied to the prepared edges of the wings approximately 12 inches onto sound substrate. The saturated Carbon Fiber was then adhered to the tack coat and folded ove to create the point of the blade. Two layers of Carbon fiber were used, creating a composite 160 mils thick. Finally, two layers of our corrosion resistant epoxy liner was applied over the entire agitation section to prevent future corrosion and erosion.